Co-op Academy Walkden judged Good in first Ofsted inspection

The academy received ‘Good’ in May 2023 - praised for their inclusivity and expert knowledge.
Ofsted reported:
“This is an inclusive school where pupils share positive and respectful relationships with their peers and teachers. Staff take the time to get to know pupils and their families well. There is a culture of high aspiration.”
The report commends the leadership for their high expectations of pupil behaviour. Inspectors commented that "lessons are focussed, and pupils rarely disrupt them by off-task behaviour" and that "behaviour around the school, including between lessons, is calm and orderly".
The report acknowledges that pupils benefit from an “ambitious curriculum”, which includes “a wide and varied choice of academic and vocational subjects”. The curriculum is delivered by teachers who use “their expert knowledge to help pupils build their understanding of key concepts and ideas over time. Teachers are quick to spot any misconceptions and address them before moving on to new learning”.
Ofsted said:
“Leaders set increasingly high expectations for the learning and behaviour of all pupils. They have cultivated a kind and considerate school community where pupils feel safe and happy. Lessons are focused, and pupils rarely disrupt them by off-task behaviour. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), engage enthusiastically in their learning and are well motivated to succeed. Increasingly, they benefit from leaders’ raised expectations of what they can achieve academically.”
Principal, Matt Hacker, added:
“We’re thrilled that inspectors recognised the progress of the Academy over the past few years. I am incredibly proud of everything our fantastic students and staff have achieved so far and I am forever grateful for all the support from our parents, the community and the Trust. Working together to support the generations of young people who walk through our doors everyday, is what matters most and we know that when we do, we set our children up for great success in the future.”
CEO of Co-op Academies Trust, Dr Chris Tomlinson, said:
“It’s fantastic to see Walkden receive Good in all four inspection areas and to have Ofsted acknowledge their strong curriculum and inclusive community. There’s been a great deal of progress and improvements since Walkden joined the Trust in 2019. Matt and his team have given the community a school to be proud of and one that continues to keep making progress, transforming the educational standards in the school.”