Exam success for Swinton’s Class of 2022

Swinton’s ‘Class of 2022’ received their exam results morning.
Swinton’s ‘Class of 2022’ received their exam results morning. The students showed great resilience they have shown throughout what has been an incredibly turbulent and challenging two years. Their collective and individual successes are truly impressive and are testament to five years of hard work, perseverance and dedication.
Co-op Academy Swinton received some really positive results this year. In particular gaining a Progress 8 score of -0.23. This is a far greater achievement than achieved in the previous 2019 GCSE results and many departments exceeded National Average.
Swinton had many specific key achievements in other areas to celebrate, of which we are equally proud:
- Our Pupil Premium student attainment has improved from 2019 with our high ability Pupil Premium students achieving a high number of Grades 7, 8 and 9
- 65 of our students achieved a Grade 9, 100 students achieved a Grade 8, 105 students achieved a Grade 7 and 144 students achieved a Grade 6.
- This year we have achieved more higher grades than ever before.
- Our female students in Year 11 have achieved above National Average
- GCSE Biology has exceeded National Average at +0.53
- GCSE Computer has exceeded National Average at +0.18
- GCSE English Language has exceeded National Average +0.10
- GCSE Drama exceeded National Average at +0.31
- Sports Studies exceeded National Average at +0.75
I am delighted and extremely proud of the performance of our Year 11 GCSE students with a record number of our students achieving beyond their target grades. Our students have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic and these grades are well deserved. I wish our Year 11 students all the best for their next step in their journey.
Principal of Co-op Academy Swinton, Mrs Ali
This summer is the first time, following the disruption caused by the pandemic, that students have taken external GCSE exams. Last year students were awarded results using their ‘Centre Assessed Grades’ calculated using a range of evidence, assessment and data from the work they produced in school. You can find out more about how the grades work for this years’ GCSEs from the Department for Education: https://educationhub.blog.gov.uk/2022/08/08/gcse-and-level-2-and-below-vtq-results-everything-you-need-to-know/
Exceptional Progress
Staff worked really hard in partnership with parents, carers and students to obtain the very best outcomes for our students to take their next steps into further education or training; demonstrating our Co-op value Succeed Together.
Brooke Shannon
Brooke has worked consistently hard, including attending after school intervention and revision sessions in many of her subjects. In her final year at Co-op Academy, Brooke has been an exceptional role model for her peers as a Senior Prefect. With her unbelievably brilliant set of results of Grade 7s, 8s and 9s Brooke is now heading to Pendleton College to study Biology, Chemistry and History and her aspiration is to be a doctor. “My hard work has paid off. Revising constantly and attending revision classes with my amazing teachers has really helped.”
Antonia Lightbown
Tilly has achieved amazing results and is now off to college to Holy Cross College to study RS, Geography and Geology. Despite suffering some health issues during her two years of GCSE studies she has worked exceptionally hard and not let it deter her from her learning. “I believe lots of concentration and mental stability has been the secret to achieving these grades and I am glad that my hard work was worth it”
Tom Berrisford
Tom attended many revision sessions and has worked extremely hard over his five years of education. Working closely with our SEND Team and with the support of a close-knit group of peers he has achieved amazing results. This has led to Tom being offered a place at Bolton College where he is studying Games Design.
Matham Makki
Matham’s hard work and commitment at Co-op Academy Swinton has rewarded him with an amazing set of results. Matham is now heading to college to pursue his studies and plans to follow that up with university. “I’m so pleased. These results have motivated me to carry on studying. I think the secret to my success has been the incredible teachers who have channelled their passion to the students. No secrets, no excuses, focussing and studying has really paid off.”
Stunning Results
We also have a number of students who have excelled across all subjects by attaining an average Grade of 9 which is the highest grade possible at GCSE. The following students have collectively received 19 Grade 9s, which is an amazing achievement. A very well done to: Emma Dwamena, Maria Mariniuc and Brooke Shannon.
Emma Dwamena
With an impressive set of results (including seven Grade 9s!) Emma is now heading to college to study Biology, Chemistry and History with the aim of continuing on to university to study medicine. “These results mean I can go to college to study the subjects I want and it proves my hard work has paid off. I think my secret to success was revising reflectively and making sure I didn’t overwhelm myself. My teachers always made sure to push me to the highest of my ability and I’m grateful for their support and friendliness.”
Maria Marinuic
Maria’s exceptional results, bursting with Grade 9s and 8s, mean she is now off to Loreto College to further her studies and then continue on to university. “My results have built a strong foundation for my further education. I believe my hard work and revision and not hesitating to ask for help from the teachers has really paid off. I’ve enjoyed building close bonds with my friends and the staff at Co-op Academy Swinton.”
We would like to wish our students every success for their future. Their next steps are wide and varied but we know they will all be moving on to create bright and successful futures.