The Winners of the Recognition Awards 2023

Co-op Academies Trust believes in showing you care, it is one of our four Ways of Being Co-op that guides us every day.
Co-op Academies Trust believes in showing you care, it is one of our four Ways of Being Co-op that guides us every day. A part of this is recognising the hard work and achievements of people that work in different roles across the Trust at our annual Recognition Awards evening.
We held this year’s event on Friday 3rd March at the Manchester’s Science and Industry Museum – a place we felt reflected the innovation and creativity of our colleagues.
The event was attended by 250 colleagues, all nominated for awards or there to cheer on their colleagues!
Our winners for 2023 are:
Be Yourself, Always Award - Ceri Smith, Co-op Academy Portland
Succeed Together Award - Co-op Academy Manchester STEM Team; Richard Simpson and Aimee Hooper
Do What Matters Most Award - Ian Ingel, Co-op Academy Brownhill
Show You Care Award - Rhain Brady, Connell Co-op College
Central Colleague of the Year - Josh Berry, Curriculum Director for Primary
Geoff Clarke Award - Kim Hall, Co-op Academy Portland
Community Award - Stephanie Bebington Co-op Academy Friarswood
Support Staff of the Year - Sue Sparrow Co-op Academy Swinton
Teacher of the Year - Jess Sims-Walton, Co-op Academy Delius
Academy of the Year - Co-op Academy Priesthorpe
Congratulations to all of the winners and to all of the shortlisters and nominees, across the Trust. Over 600 people received nominations from their colleagues. This just goes to show the value that these people add to our academies.
We hope all that attended the event had a wonderful time celebrating with their colleagues, and we look forward to coming together again next year.