Our Trust becomes 'Friendly WiFi Certified'

Our co-operative model allows us to build a network of educational academies that support local communities. Providing connectivity to our students and staff is an essential part of learning and accessibility. Gaining the Friendly Wifi Certification was a key move for us to provide a network in academies that filters out all inappropriate content. Whether it be indecent images and advertisements, this supports our commitment to keeping all students, staff and visitors safe online.
Jim Fessey, our Head of IT at Co-op Academies Trust, said:
“We recognised the importance of providing access to WiFi at our academies, in addition to ensuring that all our pupils and students were kept safe online. It was important for us to gain the Friendly WiFi certification to provide an annual independent process to always ensure we are providing a safe WiFi experience. It is also a great way for us to demonstrate to parents that their children are protected whilst enjoying their learning experience with us.”
Bev Smith, Director at Friendly WiFi, added:
“We are super proud to have certified Co-op Academies and enjoyed working with their team who were committed to achieving and ensuring the standard was in place. It is a testament to their approach to learning and the high value they place on the experience of their pupils whilst studying with them. It also supports the importance for the educational sector to ensure a safe WiFi service is provided.”
About Friendly WiFi:
‘Friendly WiFi – providing a certification standard for Public WiFi networks, to identify public places in areas such as Transport, Retail, Hospitality, Leisure and Education, who are providing safe filtered WiFi. Initiated by the UK Government with support from the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) and managed by the RDI trade organisation, the certification means that children, parents and guardians can look for the Friendly WiFi symbol to be sure that the public WiFi network is tested and verified on an annual basis to make sure pornographic and child abuse websites are blocked.’