We’ve launched paid Teaching Internships in Greater Manchester

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Co-op Academies Trust has been chosen by the Department for Education to run paid Teaching Internships in STEM and Languages across it’s Greater Manchester academies.
Postgraduate teacher recruitment in 2022-23 was 29% below the Government’s target. This was mainly driven by low recruitment for secondary teachers, where only 59% of trainees needed were recruited.
As part of a renewed drive to encourage graduates to go into teaching, the Government is revamping their approach.
Teaching Internships were first introduced a number of years ago, but all providers had to reapply for accreditation this year. The subject focus was also widened to include Chemistry and Foreign Languages.
Co-op Academies Trust was accredited as a new provider in 2022, joining legacy providers across the region. The trust has 38 Teaching Internships across its 6 Greater Manchester Secondary Schools, in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computing and MFL
With Teaching Internships, graduates get the opportunity to experience a range of activities to help them get a feel for school life.
The experience provides undergraduates interested in teaching a unique paid teaching experience to help them decide if teaching is the right career choice for them.
Internships last for 3 weeks and start from Monday 19th June- Friday 7th July 2023.
Internships taking place at:
Co-op Academy Manchester
Co-op Academy North Manchester
Co-op Academy Failsworth
Co-op Academy Belle Vue
Co-op Academy Swinton
Co-op Academy Walkden
Interns are paid £300 per-week whilst they gain new skills and insights into the teaching profession.
Co-op Academies Trust Teacher Training provision was set up to address the shortfall in teacher recruitment as well as retain more practitioners into the profession.
Teaching internships play an important role in preparing future teachers for a fulfilling and successful career in teaching.
Co-op Academies Trust works in partnership with University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Salford, Bright Futures SCITT and Associated Merseyside Partnership SCITT.
“At Co-op Academies Trust we are looking to develop outstanding teachers who will deliver the best possible education for all of our pupils and students. The Teaching Internship Programme allows us to introduce potential teachers to the profession whilst they are studying and then support them with their continued ‘Get into Teaching’ journey onto our School Direct ITT Programme.
“Over the 3 weeks, our interns will receive opportunities to immerse themselves within the profession, give them an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a teacher, provide them with the opportunity to work with and teach students, develop their subject and pedagogical knowledge and guide them on applying for initial teacher training.”- Andy Gibson, Head of Initial Teacher Training, Co-op Academies Trust
The deadline to apply is Friday 10th March 2023.
If you’re thinking of applying, get in touch- https://forms.gle/1LgkvFv2XM8TqaK4A