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Our Members

The National Governance Association (NGA) describes a Trust’s Members as “the guardians of the governance of the trust.”

Their responsibilities are limited but very important. They appoint the board of directors and have a legal responsibility to appoint the trust’s auditors. Members meet twice a year and can make decisions between meetings in writing.

Co-op Academies Trust has five Members. The Co-op Group as a corporate Member, the chair of the trust board and one other trustee, and two independent Members:


Russell Gill

Date of appointment: 30/05/2014

Term of office: N/A

Date of resignation: N/A

Appointed by: Trust Members

Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Trustee of Co-op Group Northern Trustees Ltd (since 19/08/2022, ongoing)

Gill Gardner

Date of appointment: 01/09/2014

Term of office: N/A

Date of resignation: N/A

Appointed by: Trust Members

Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Employee of the Co-op Group (since 28/09/2015, ongoing); Director of The Grocery Girls, a not-for-profit organisation (since 16/08/2021, ongoing)

Rebecca Birkbeck

Date of appointment: 10/08/2020

Term of office: N/A

Date of resignation: N/A

Appointed by: Trust Members

Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None declared

Paul Gerrard

Date of appointment: 29/05/2022

Term of office: N/A

Date of resignation: N/A

Appointed by: Trust Members

Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None declared

Dominic Kendal-Ward – Representative of the Corporate Member

Date of appointment: 28/07/2022

Term of office: N/A

Date of resignation: N/A

Appointed by: Trust Members

Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Employee and Officer of the Co-op Group (since 01/07/2022, ongoing)



Previous Members:

None to declare.