Time to Talk Day 2024

Time To Talk Day, the UK’s biggest conversation about mental health, returned on Thursday 1 February.
Aiming to inspire communities to gather and talk about mental health, this year’s theme was to encourage friends, family and colleagues to talk about how they really feel. We know it's often easier to say we’re ‘fine’ than truly share the difficulties we might be facing.
For the third year, Co-op has partnered with Mind, SAMH and Inspire to encourage communities to come together to support their mental wellbeing.
Co-op have created resources and promotional items at coop.co.uk/TimeToTalkDay to help start conversations around mental health. You can also find out more at timetotalkday.co.uk.
Co-op Academy Belle Vue had a special visit from Co-op's Ops Board, including CEO Shirine Khoury-Haq, who said:
"Our 32 Co-op Academies provide education based on co-operative values and principles for the 19,500 students who attend them. I had the honour of having lunch with students from years 7, 8 and 9. We spoke about how mental health is as important as physical health and how young people can create environments to enable conversations about how they are really feeling, as well as how to obtain support when things feel really tough.
I felt so proud of our students. They did not shy away from this topic and neither were they afraid to talk about what was on their minds, even in front of hundreds of other students. I can’t remember having such courage at such a young age. Neither can I remember being surrounded by others my age with such capacity to listen respectfully and empathise.
Young people are standing up to be counted and the more time I spend with them, the more hopeful I feel about the future of our world in their hands"